Wednesday 20 May 2009

What Do You Call a Fish with No Eye?? No Eyed-deer?

I don't know, I am still tired from waking up so I only caught this giant metal fish and that had eyes.Well eyes or no eyes fish is what we were after, at 5 am.........WHY!!! WWWHHHHYYYYY!!!!!!!!!

Well anyway crazy screams aside let me explain there origin (and I don't mean my vocal chords). So as planned we got up real early, just about managing to claw ourselves from the warmth of our sleeping bags, we collected everything together and began what promised to be a fairly long walk and turned out to be a really long walk. We went through town, onto the lake and the started walking to try and find this so called fish haven. An hour later we hit what was potentially our jetty, got our rods out, rigged them up and casted out onto the lake, strait onto a lack of fish and a lot of rocks. After catching both our lines on reads at lease 3 or 4 times each we decided to move further round. We found a slightly deeper section but it appeared just as fishless. About 2 hours after we had started fishing we gave up on the lake (or lack as I feel it should be better known). It was then another grulling walk back to the camp for breakfast before we headed out onto the river.

This is what we did, the river held a lot more promise we had a few spots to try, but aside from seeing 2 or 3 people unsucessfully kill themselves by jumping off a cliff (for some reason they had some sort of bungie cord attached to them, I mean that is never going to work) we had absolutely no excitement for quite sometime. Luckly the weather was holding off from pissing down on us for the most part accept for the odd sprinkle here and there.....

and then.....


.....Jak got his line caught on some bramble, and despite our best efforts the line snapped leaving us with just one lure attached to my rod....dissmal I know....but somehow.....somewhere.....there was a tiny bit of hope hanging on. So we moved up river to see what we could find. The first thing we bumped into was a sewage treatment plant, didn't catch any fish there! What seemed like a fishless decade later we were sitting on the river nearer to the town now. It was definatly the best spot that we had found, We even saw a couple of fish swimming around, I think, we may have just been delirious at this point so don't take my word for it, and yet, all that happened after almost an hour was for me to cast out repeatly and jak to fall asleep on a rock (he wasn't feeling too good, some sort of "de-fish-encicy" - thank you faye!).

It was way past time to give up now, we wondered into town handed our rods back with glum faces and then went to the internet cafe to play on games (an attempt to numb our minds from the pain of the day) before Jak "skyped" faye and I blogged away (poet didn't know it again?).

Another walk back in the rain left us in high spirts, although I think that was more the steak and beer we were about to consume rather than the rain lol.

Anyway, I guess we will just have to "keep on dreaming, keep on dreaming......".

Much love

Joe x x x x x x x x x

PS for those of you who don't know the answer to the joke should have been "FSH"......Get it!

Other brilliant nautical and fish related jokes include...

..."what did the fish who swam into the wall say? DAM!!" - Rebecca Pike, Laughter Enthusiast and BlackBerry Crew Member.

I am sure you can comment some more for me, or just call me an idiot for getting up at 5AM, WHY!!! WWWWWWWWWHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY!@!?!@!!!*#^!?$##!?@^&!@#!$!


  1. Lol you fool.
    I guess you are having a good time, facebook me and let me know stuff. :)

    Nice reference on the DAM joke btw

    PS Chuck Norris's blood type is D.O.A.

    And FYI Superman owns a pair of chuck norris pajamas

  2. woooooo!! that's me!!! sorry, i've only just read this....tehehe.

    Becca :-) x
