Wednesday 20 May 2009

The One that Got Away...and the others that just didn't bite at all.

Sunday started well, and by well I mean with pancakes for breakfast. I thought about Sarah a lot today because I knew that she was doing the moon walk over night while I was awake, and after the poor excuse for a phone call the night before I had her on my mind even more than normal. That said once we actually got up and wondered in to town to find something to do it was easier to find distractions. The idea was to do a bit of shopping, find out about the possiblity of doing some more fishing after our sucess in the bay. We asked at reception and we where the best place to hire might be and Tony (other half of Kim, in terms of marridge and manager) told us that the best place to go would be greenstone. We enquired and sure enough after investigation it turned at to be the cheapest. The problem with taupo is that there are a lot of restrcitions when it comes to fishing for example you are only alowed to spin fish the lake and one of it's tributaries where as you can fly fish in the whole area, and you are only allowed to use lures and no bait. Still we decided that if we hit the peak fishing times of dusk and dawn we were bowned to land ourselves dinner and ever the enthusiasts some big trout as well.

So we finished up our shopping popped into the internet cafe to kill some time and hired the rods out for 24 hrs starting at 4 pm. We quickly marched back up to camp cooked ourselves some pasta and venison (deer) sausages, which was pretty nice, packed a bag and headed out around 5-5:15 ish. It was a 20 min walk to where we were fishing and the light was already begining to fade. By the time we got there it would have been great to cast strait off I imagen but we had to rig our rods (for the first time ever) and even though it only took us 20 mins or so it was pretty much dark and we couldn't see our lines to keep them tight. With our head torches on we decided to prevail for a while. This seemed to pay off, when Jak hooked something that wasn't a rock and attempted to pull it in. We were casting off the rocks which didn't make life easy for us, I think his line must have been rubbing on the rocks as well as being pulled by some big ass fish! I was a bit doubtful as to whether or not we had a big fish or a big rod so we tried letting the line run, and it did just that. A good 15/20 mins later and we were still trying to pull the thing in. Jak was working up a sweat and then..............out of no where.......


....The line snapped, no fish and a lost lure. It was very frustraiting, after a few more casts and not as much as a nibble we decided to head in before we fell in. Tired, cold and fishless we started the walk back. "Well that's fishing" we said. We decided to get up early the next day when we would be sure to catch with the intel of a jety on the lake that promised fish for those who got there early enough. "6 am, no 5:30, no 5 am, yeah 5 am sounds good" (how 5 am ever sounds good I don't know.). Anyway we had a cheese toastie (this one goes out to Lloyd) and a beer before hitting the sack ready for the day to come.

What will tomorrow bring you ask???? So did we!?!?

tune in next to find out.

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