Sunday 7 June 2009

A Long Days Night....

well 16 hours on from what you last heard and I woke up! It was 4 pm! It took me about half an hour to come to terms with the time...We had both slept for 16 hours strait, it felt like we had caught up on 8 months worth of sleep in one night. If you have never done it before then book in a weekend to waste!

As brilliant as the epic amount of sleep was we lost our entire day, we were meant to be sorting out what we were doing for the next 6 days and we had no time to do it. Still it was worth it, so we decided to except the loss of our day and stay for another night at the bug to give ourselves time to prepare something. The Abel Tasman national park was supposed to be very beautiful and have a lot of treking and kayaking options up for grabs. We set about getting dinner having just woken, not really much more happened for the rest of the day, we speant some time on the internet, played some more cards and dominos and that was about was AWESOME!

Much Love

Joe x x x x x x x x x

Quote - Sleep that knits up the ravelled sleave of care
The death of each day's life, sore labour's bath
Balm of hurt minds, great nature's second course,
Chief nourisher in life's feast.

I think I have you on this one :-p

Caption comp -
Jak's philosphy was that a bad hair day was whatever you made of it!

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